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Version: 3.13

Snapshots Releases


RabbitMQ server builds that successfully went through our CI pipeline are published. These builds are available so that users can try out the latest features and bug fixes as soon as they become available.

Stability and Suitability of Snapshot Builds

Snapshot builds are produced from all supported release series branches and from the 'main' branch which will become the next feature release.

In the case of the 'main' branch, this represents the bleeding edge and therefore should not be considered complete (finished) or stable. It is quite possible that existing features, APIs and/or configuration data formats have been changed in ways that are not backwards compatible or even removed altogether.

In addition to the changes described above, it is also possible that incompatible changes have been made to the way persistent storage is handled. Such changes may mean that after installing a snapshot, your RabbitMQ installation cannot be rolled back to a previous (stable) version. To avoid conflicting with the existing installation, you should either remove it first, or configure the snapshot installation to use an alternative location for its persistent storage and (potentially) other configuration elements using the provided instructions.

Snapshot releases therefore are suitable for development and some QA environments but not intended to be used in production.

Documentation of the 'main' branch

Documentation for default branch of the RabbitMQ distribution is continuously published to the "Next" version. Note that cutting edge branch documentation can lag behind code changes, sometimes intentionally so.

Downloads and Installation

As with our published live releases, we continue to digitally sign the snapshot artefacts using GnuPG and our release public signing key.

Direct Downloads

All snapshot artefacts are available for download from GitHub.

Providing Feedback on Snapshot Builds

Team RabbitMQ appreciates community feedback on snapshot builds. Please post it to the RabbitMQ mailing list and specify what build was used plus as much context as possible:

  • Server log file(s)
  • A code snippet or terminal (shell) transcript that demonstrates steps to reproduce the observations
  • rabbitmqctl environment output
  • rabbitmq-diagnostics status output
  • OS and distribution version
  • Erlang version used

and so on. Thank you!